Friday, August 26, 2011

It's interesting to see how much I've grown in the past year or so. I got a shirt at Pride last June, it was a free one, thrown into the crowd from the parade. It's a medium and was too big for me. Well, now it's almost too small. It actually fits quite well now. It's a bit short, showing a lot of stomach (hair) when I raise my arms. And many of my favorite t-shirts are now too small. I grew out of the button ups quite early on, them not being stretchable and all, but now I cannot fit into many of my small Ts. You can see my binder through them and the bulge of flab where my chest is moves toward my armpits. It's unfortunate. I wonder how my long sleeved ones will fit this winter?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Hiked Bierstadt, and 14,000 foot peak. The first 14er I've made it to the top of, and I've attempted four others. It was quite amazing what my testosterone infused body can do. Sure, I was out of breath in the altitude, but the climb itself was not very hard at all. And it didn't wipe me out completely like big hikes usually do. A very good day.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Injection, left leg. For some reason it was really hard this time. I balked for a good 5 minutes. Strange how that happens.

I need to make an appointment for sometime in the next month or so. I need to make sure it's right in the middle of my injection cycle so all the levels can be properly checked.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I haven't posted in some time. Nothing much to report. I wasn't late on my last shot. I need a new vial. I've been eating salads regularly. They make me feel a bit more healthy even if I put cheese and ranch dressing on them.